Thursday, July 31, 2008

Rice Cereal

Cole isn't quite sure what to think about rice cereal at this point. He puts everything in his mouth he can get his hands on and chews it, so I think when the spoon goes in his mouth he just wants to chew on it and the rice cereal happens to go down.

Ella's our eater, so she isn't bashful about taking in the rice cereal. When she sees the spoon coming, she'll open her mouth as wide as she can.

Cole loves to grab onto things and put them in his mouth, so when I wrapped his hands around the handle of the sippy cup, it instantly went into his mouth. He hasn't quite figured out how to tip the sippy back and make the water/milk go down yet, but we're getting closer.

Ella's also a natural with the sippy cup. She's such a little cutey and is looking (and getting a personality) more and more like her mom each day.

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